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Q: I can't race any more, can I get a refund?

A: Organising a sporting event requires a considerable amount of forward planning, time, risk and expense. Approximately 9 – 12 months prior to our events taking place, work begins and costs are incurred. These include administrative, insurance, advertising, marketing, equipment, website and staff costs. As an event draws nearer, we continue to incur costs, many in relation to the number of entrants in the event, therefore we are unable to offer refunds for any reason.


Q: When do entries close?/ Can I enter on the day?

A: Triathlon & duathlon entries close 12pm the Thursday before race day unless the event or a specific race is already full. It is not possible to enter after this date including on the day.


Q: Can my friend race instead of me?/ I know someone who will take my place, can I swap with them?

A: You cannot defer your entry but you can swap your place with someone else before 30th June by logging into your Stuweb account and replacing your details with theirs. 


Q: Can I switch event?
A: Yes you can -  Just log into your Stuweb account and change event subject to a small fee. If you entered via Lets Do This or Find A Race, please contact their customer service department.


Q: Can I change from individual entry to relay?
A: Yes you can but you will need to email us first so that we can transfer your entry.  You will then need to log onto your Stuweb account and enter the names and dates of birth of your team members plus whether they are BTF members.  Include a team name too if you want! Additional cost is £15 plus £6 per BTF day membership required (we'll reply to explain how to pay).  You can't switch from individual to relay after 30th June.  


Q: Can I change the names of people in my relay team?

A:  Yes, you can do this before 30th June by logging into your Stuweb account (don't forget to update all information) or you can change them on the day at registration provided at least 1 person stays the same.  


Q: When the race is full, do you have a waiting list?

A: Yes, if you sign up via Stuweb you will be added to the waiting list.  If you don't hear by 30th June I'm afraid we won't be able to offer you a place.


Q: Is there a minimum age for the triathlon?

A: Yes, you must be 15 by 31st December 2025 for the Sprint distance and 17 for the Standard distance.  This applies to individual an relay entries.


Q: I haven't received a confirmation email. Have I got a place?
A: You should have received an email from Stuweb immediately after you entered.  You can also check on the 'Tri Sign-ups' or 'Kids' Fun Run Sign-ups' list .


Q: I can't remember what I entered/ whether I bought party/camping tickets.  How can I check?

A: You need to login to your Stuweb account.  If you search for your confirmation email from that was sent immediately after you entered this will help you. 


Q: This is my first triathlon what do I need to know? Should I wear a wetsuit? What happens in transition etc.

A: Click here for lots of helpful tips to help answer these questions and more!  Here too are useful links to the BTF Rules the Drafting Rules Explained and and some Common Rule Infringements that you should make yourself familiar with.


Q: What do I need to bring on the day for the triathlon? 

A: See our 'Race Day Checklist' to help ensure you don't forget anything!


Q: What wave am I in?  What time will my wave start? Can you tell me more about race day details?
A: There will be a time trial (i.e. one at a time) start instead of waves.  You will still receive a start time and this will be emailed to you on 4 July and added.   


Q: Can I still get party and/ or camping tickets?
A: Camping tickets MUST be purchased online in advance before midnight on Thursday 29th June 2023


Q: Can I swap waves to race with x?
A: No, I’m afraid we can’t do this.


Q: What is the water temperature?/ Will it be a no wetsuit swim?/ Are wetsuits compulsory?

A: The water temperature will be published by 11am in the Registration Marquee.  If it is less than 14 degrees wetsuits are compulsory.  If it is more than 24.6 degrees wetsuits will not be allowed. So far the water temperature has always been between 14-22 degrees so wetsuits are option (but recommended).


Q: Where are your competition terms and conditions?

A:  You can find them here



Contact us if you have any questions or need information and we will endeavour to reply as quickly as possible unless your question is already answered below in the Frequently Asked Questions.

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